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Qualified team

Our team is made up of young graduates who have worked on this project starting with their degree theses.

The Google support

Thanks to the achievement of the "Educator Grants Awards 2019", Google believes and invests in this project.

New kind of teaching

Lessons will become more engaging and attract students' attention.

E-Learning for teachers

For teachers who join the project, a specific platform will be created for their learning. Visit "E-learning" to find out more.

The story of Wolly

Wolly was born from a research project of the University of Turin. This robot was created thanks to a co-design sessions carried out in close contact with children of a primary school, between 8 and 9 years old, which gave life to the appearance of Wolly. From these activities, several scientific articles have been published on the development of interfaces and research methods.

To find out more, click on Wolly!

What we offer

What we propose is an innovative tool that will facilitate the teachers' work and make children more passionate about the topic covered in the lesson. Our team offers an increasingly intuitive and simple product; while dealing with the development of an e-learning platform that allows teachers to prepare lessons for their students.

Engaging lessons

Students will be drawn into a new form of teaching.


The e-learning platform is a fundamental aid for organise lessons.

A tailor-made e-learning platform

We have created an online learning platform for teachers, which will help them carry out and organize their lessons in the classroom.

Have a questions? Contact us!

We will be happy to give you more information. You will be put in direct contact with the IT department of the University of Turin.